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Pica Pica Press Book giveaway
Preparing the announcement for mailing

If you would like to be in on these old-fashioned mailings in the future, please, subscribe here, or better yet, write a letter to:

Pica Pica Press

815 Argyle Ave.

Flossmoor, IL 60422

Book giveaway

We're really curious about how our announcement will make it through the U.S. Postal Service, given that it's printed on plain paper. Will it arrived mangled and torn, or in decent shape? Are those hideous plastic-coated mailings really necessary? If you are one of the lucky few who have gotten one of these, take a picture of it and email it to us at Pica Pica Press. Give us a first and second choice of a book from our catalog (including our newest or upcoming releases), include your mailing address, and we'll send you a free copy, but only while supples last, so no procrastinating! Sorry, only U.S. addresses are eligible (although hint, hint: we would love to see how they made it across the pond).

© 2016-2024 PICA PICA PRESS

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